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As a logistics and industrial platform integrated into a high-performant port complex, Tanger Med Industrial Platform offers advanced competitiveness in Supply Chain Management e.g: cost of freight, port treatment, transit operations, in addition to quality infrastructure, and a logistics integration model.
Integrated and structuring program

Tanger Free Zone
Tanger Automotive City
Renault Nissan
Tetouan Shore
Tetouan Park
Cabo Shopping Valley
Fnideq Economic Actvity Zone

Dynamic Business Community and a well-connected ecosystem:
Tanger Med Zones maintain strong business relations with both governmental organizations and private institutions. Thanks to the efforts of the Moroccan Government, and under the vision of his Majesty the King Mohammed VI, several agencies such as CRI (Regional Center for Investments) & AMDIE (Moroccan Agency for Exports and Imports Development) join efforts to facilitate the installation process and to bring updated information on the local investment environment to potential investors.
On the other hand, Tanger Free Zone and Tanger Automotive city, respectively, work jointly with local associations that represent and assert investors’ rights within each zone. Tanger Med Zones ensures smooth and constant communication with all stakeholders on a daily basis.
These associations comprise full and honorary members, natural or legal persons who own and rent premises within the zones and have started their activity or, at least, the construction of their warehouses.
It holds several missions:
Share investors’ opinions, with Tanger Med Zones, on matters of common interest ;
Examine with Tanger Med Zones how to improve services for the proper functioning of the zone ;
Defend investors’ interests ;
Improve the economic and social situation of staff in the common areas of the free zone ;
Represent its members, towards local and public authorities, communities, and more globally, all administrations and third parties ;
Take legal action both by asking and defending ;
Acquire for a fee, rent, own, and administer:
– Any subsidies, donations, and contributions from its members ;
– Premises and equipment for the administration of the association and the meeting of its members. -
Organize directly or through third parties, all training actions as workshops, seminars, conferences, etc ;
Join all federative-type organizations having the same or a similar purpose, both nationally and internationally .
Common infrastructures are under the responsibility of Tanger Med Zones, from Water and Electricity Network to Sanitation Network, Roads, Green Spaces, and Fiber Optic Network.
Lands offer
The land offer in Tanger Med Zones focuses on a plug-and-play model, thanks to existing connections to the water, electricity, sanitation, and telecommunications networks.
Warehouses offer
All installations in the warehouses meet high-standard world regulations and vary according to the customer’s requirements:
- Height ;
- Number of logistic docks ;
- Number of sectional doors ;
- Following gears :